Tarot Workshop "PUT DOWN THAT BOOK!"
Sat, Apr 11
Take Christine's popular workshop at half the price ...virtually!

Time & Location
Apr 11, 2020, 6:00 PM – 11:00 PM
About the event
Read By Christine
Christine's 5 hour Tarot Workshop that has you READING the tarot when you are done....is now online for a limited time. Normally, this class is $100 and will now be offered at $40 per person.
Through 26 years of reading the tarot, Christine has seen the interest in learning the cards from others. However, most can't seem to get past reading from the book they received with their deck. She has come up with a workshop that teaches the tarot in simple terms with little memory recognition. Besides some basic key concepts....you will leave the workshop not having to memorize the text from a book from each card. You will also be receiving and giving readings in the workshop. YES. You most definately will.
This will be a small class size. As classes fill up, others will be scheduled.
What will you learn?
- Introduction of the tarot and your intuition
- The Numbers in the pips
- The Suits
- The Royal Court
- The Major Arcana
What must you bring to the virtual workshop?
1. You must have a laptop or tablet to access the workshop that you can talk,her and view...and we can view you. A phone will work, but is not advised due to the small screen.
2. You must have a specific type of Tarot deck. We will be learning from the same deck and will be reading for each other. Deck Requirements:
- The most preferred deck is the Rider Waite deck. You can find it on most websites. At the time this is written, you can find it on Amazon for less then $20. I do not get commission from Amazon and you may get this deck anywhere you like. The link is: https://www.amazon.com/Rider-Tarot-Arthur-Edward-Waite/dp/091386613X/ref=sr_1_2?crid=SQZGMRLFG9T8&keywords=rider+waite+tarot+deck&qid=1585488399&sprefix=rider+wait%2Caps%2C139&sr=8-2
- If you cannot get your hands on a Rider Waite deck, the minimum requirement is that you have a tarot deck that includes a standard representation of the tarot with 78 cards. The deck must have 4 suits (pentacles (coins), wands, cups and swords). The Royal court must include 4 kings, 4 queens, 4 knights and 4 pages. The deck must also contain 22 major arcana cards.
3. The ability to sit through the workshop for 5 hours. We will have plenty of breaks and please feel free to eat your lunch, snacks or beverages while in the workshop (just nothing too crunchy..but you can press mute ;-) )
4. Bring your excitment. This workshop in taught in many different ways for all types of learners. You will learn through visualization,creativity, some memory, interactive readings, problem solving and traditional instruction. This is to help all types of learners and allow us all to experience learning the tarot in our own way. This is a beginner workshop and is interactive....you will be reading for another person and others will read for you as we learn.
Can't wait to meet you and welcome you into the world of Tarot Reading!
Love & Light,
Put That Book Down!
This ticket is for the online workshop on 4/9/20 6-11pm
$40.00Sold Out
This event is sold out